4 min read

Avoid The Madness: 5 Hacks for Flying Budget Airlines Without Breaking the Bank

Discover 5 practical hacks to save money and avoid drama when flying budget airlines.
Scale luggage and low-cost airline measurement requirements.
Photo from Canva

The other day, I was at the gate boarding a flight when I witnessed a crazy spectacle I won't soon forget. There was a guy, panting and sweating bullets, jumping on his backpack just a few feet from the boarding gate while everyone in the line looked on in awe and amusement. At first, I thought he was smashing something valuable inside, but it soon became clear he was trying to make the bag fit into the airline's sizing bin. I thought, "Wow! Welcome to the world of budget airlines, where every inch or centimeter and ounce/kilo matters.

Maybe the problem was his backpack. It was a quality, adventure-ready bag, built to survive rugged travels and extra weight, given it had wheels and a metal pull-up handle—but could it withstand a wrestling match with this champion as an opponent? The man refused to pay the €60 fee to check his bag on Ryanair. First, he broke off the metallic pulley handle, bits of it clattering to the floor—still, no luck fitting it into the stupid sizing bin. Sweating and puffing from his early-morning workout (a 6:00 am flight), he removed his coat and grabbed the broken metal piece from the floor, using it as a makeshift tool to rip off the section housing the handles. After a loud ripping sound, success! But when he slammed the now-dismantled bag into the bin again, it still didn't fit.

A male airline staff member took over from his female colleague to hover over the scene with a bemused look, like an unwitting referee at some Olympic matchup—man versus bag. Meanwhile, other passengers alternated between stifled giggles and wide-eyed disbelief. I started to write what I saw, but left him there still fighting with the bag and losing!

Eventually, I guess he did not pay the fee because I saw him boarding the flight with a shredded, nasty-looking, folded-up backpack and a triumphant grin. This all-too-common scenario highlights the hidden costs and headaches of flying budget airlines. But he could have avoided all this headache and 🥵 sweating so early in the morning.

Here are 5 hacks to help you avoid this kind of drama and save money while flying budget airlines:

1. Know the Rules Inside Out

Seems simple enough. Budget airlines thrive on strict rules for luggage size and weight, and policing these rules makes them money. Before you pack, check the airline's website for their specific carry-on bag dimensions and weight limits. Also, check their requirements for checked bags. Don't rely on what you read on some blog (even mine) or assume. Get the details from the airline's website. Then, get a ruler and scale and measure your bag to make sure it fits. Don't leave it to chance!

2. Invest in a Lightweight, Compact Bag

Not all travel bags are created equal. Don't just trust the companies marketing you the bag–especially those that claim it will work for all airlines. It's a lie! Choose a bag specifically designed to meet budget airline dimensions. Best to get the smaller option to avoid trouble. Look for lightweight materials and compressible compartments to maximize your packing space while staying within limits.

3. Wear Your Bulkiest Items

Airlines don't (yet) weigh what you're wearing. They will get there, but they have shied away from weighing people because of the bad publicity. Save precious luggage space by layering up. Wear your heaviest coat, boots, and even a sweater or two if necessary. You can always shed layers once you're onboard and hold them in your lap, under your seat, or overhead compartment if there is space.

4. Use a Personal Item Wisely

Most budget airlines allow a smaller "personal item" in addition to your carry-on. This could be a laptop bag or purse. Maximize this allowance by choosing a bag that fits under the seat but can hold a surprising amount of essentials. A small backpack with a pocket for your laptop or tablet and space for a few day's clothes and toiletries works fine.

5. Pre-pay for Luggage

If you know you'll exceed the carry-on limits, it's much cheaper to pay for luggage when booking your flight rather than at the gate. It's also less headache. Last-minute fees are often exorbitant and designed to punish procrastinators. Don't be that passenger!

Budget airlines can save you serious money—if you know how to play their game. The key is preparation and light travel. Don't let your travel plans devolve into a WWF (maybe showing my age) 🤼‍♂️ wrestling match with your luggage at the gate. With these tips, you can skip the drama and free entertainment for fellow passengers, save money, and focus on enjoying your journey.

Have your own budget travel hacks or funny airline stories? Share them in the comments below!

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Enjoy your travels! This guide covers a lot, but please ask if you need further details. Boa viagem!

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