Why is Sargassum Seaweed Killing Your Vacation Fun on Caribbean Beaches?

It’s like an invasion of a plant species.

Several years ago, I went home to Antigua for a funeral of a good family friend. Flying over the islands, I could see miles and miles of Sargassum seaweed marching in rows from East to West toward the Atlantic side of the island's shores. I had no idea how bad it was until I visited the beaches where I grew up in Christian Hill. All the beaches around Willoughby Bay, where I spent my childhood fishing and sailing, were now covered with piles of this noxious brown seaweed from the Sargasso Sea in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Sargasso seaweed is killing Caribbean beaches.

Sargasso seaweed on a beach near St. James Club. You can see piles of seaweed on the shore on the right, while on the left is the floating brown island along the beach.

Did you notice the Backhoe clearing the beach in the photo above?